Channeling Bob

I am just as crazy about animals as Bob was. I have had so many fun animal encounters since the first day I arrived. I saw squirrels, lizards, a racoon, armadillo, snake, egrets, pelicans, ibis, and a plethora of other birds.
I swear it's Bob visiting me. This especially cute little guy visited me one morning before class.

He landed outside my car window and hung out with me for quite awhile.

Then one evening after class I decided to check out an antique store because apparently that was one of Bob's favorite pastimes.
I didn't expect to find anything. I just like to browse and wanted to kill some time, then all of a sudden this thing basically cocka doodle doo'd right in my face so of course I had to take him home!
It's a stained glass rooster lamp! It's the greatest thing since EVER!
Thanks Bob! I know you are watching out for me!


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