Day 4

A short backstory to regale how I got "here".
I have always been a huge fan of BR. We have a lot in common,  we both adore nature and animals and bringing joy to others.
Currently I live on a farm with no television or internet, but I got a new phone and was able to figure out how to download Bob Ross episodes from Netflix and Amazon and cast them to my television.
I was enamored all over again, and even though I am an artist,  preferring watercolors, I never had an interest in oils. I found the medium expensive, tedious and messy.
But I decided what the goob! There's no time like the present, and set my mind to giving it a go.
What I didn't know was how stinking FUN oils can be!
And the way Bob set up his teaching format, even someone with no previous painting knowledge or skills can have a measure of success with their very first painting.
My first attempt was off the charts awesome! (At least that was what I thought in my head at the time lol!)
So I kept going. I've only been painting since January of this year. I found out through Bob's videos and further research that they had teacher training programs that are still going on to this day, so I became intrigued.
And here is the clincher, I learned that Bob and I share the same birthday.  Well, I knew this must be's ON!
Basically,  2017 is " Year of the Bob" for me.
Now on to today's T-shirt:
I Call this one "Mod Bob". It's one of my favorites.
So I'm pretty happy in this photo. I woke up feeling rested and I got this chai latte for free from "Hottie Coffee". The owner wanted me to feel welcome to the area.  Super neat lady, check her out if you make it to town.
We started with a super loaded palette as opposed to yesterday.
We painted a complex and demanding painting and here it is.
Lol! Yes, this really is my painting. Eddie put it in a frame which improved it a bazillion fold.
Haha see,
This day wore me out, but in a good way!
See you tomorrow!


  1. I can't say I have a favorite..each is gorgeous in their own way. I love all the color in this one. keep up the beautiful job!
    Linda in Virginia :)

  2. Amazing painting and your story is great too. Can't wait till tomorrow to hear how your going to get them all home. Where is it you are from

    1. I plan to thoroughly explain that today....I just have to remember to take the pics!

    2. Sorry no. Although I love Canada, does that count?

  3. You are doing great! You will only have more fun as you go on. I hope they still teach the "surprise your friends" painting (my name for it). Involves preparing a black canvas beforehand and when you paint for friends, use only titanium white! What a seascape! Should come in a later week. Message me if you don't and I will tell you the secret. It is SO much fun! Happy painting Friday! Jim E.

  4. Thank you Jim! I will look forward to that!


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